Ger decorated a birthday cake to remind us that Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. He lit some candles and we all sang happy birthday. The cake was very tasty and we had some extra treats also. Thank you Ger.
Ger told us the story of John the Baptist. We then did a little drama where John the Baptist was being interviewed on the news. It was great fun.
In November we remember......
The month of November is when we pray for our family and friends who have died. To remember those that we were close to we made a 'Garden of Remembrance'. We all made a flower out of card and crepe paper. On the stem we wrote the name of the person we want to remember this month.
Wednesdays with Gerard.
Gerard comes into our classroom every Wednesday. He is helping us to prepare for our First Holy Communion. This week we learned about the vestments the priest wears when he is saying mass. He also blessed us with holy water from the River Jordan in the Holy Land.
Dates of the Do This In Memory Masses:
December 21st, Sunday, 10:30am (Meeting for Parents, Monday 15th, 8:45pm)January, 17th, Saturday, 7pm (Meeting for Parents, Monday 12th, 8:45pm)
March, 7th, Saturday, 7pm (Meeting for Parents, Monday 2nd, 8:45pm)
April, 18th, Saturday, 7pm (Meeting for Parents, Monday 13th, 8:45pm)
Do This In Memory

This is a parish-based pre-sacramental programme designed to help children, parents/guardians and the wider parish community prepare for First Communion.
What is Do This In Memory?
Do This In Memory is a parish based programme of preparation for First Communion centred in the parish celebration of the Sunday Eucharist and in the home.
The programme resources are designed to facilitate parents/guardians, families and the parishes’ active involvement in the preparation for the sacrament. It complements and supports the work of sacramental preparation in the parish school or the religious education programme in the parish.
The programme takes place once a month for eight months before First Eucharist and concludes during the parish celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi.
The parents/guardians and families of those preparing for First Eucharist are invited to participate in this Mass. A group of parents/guardians meet once a month to plan and coordinate the next Sunday of the programme.
THUMB: That’s His/Her Useful Mass Book

This book provides material which helps parents and children engage with the programme before, during and after Mass.
THUMB contains the following:
An Introduction to Do This in Memory
including a Guide for Parents that suggests ways they might use the programme most effectively.
This exploration of the Mass is led by two cartoon characters, Kath and Qumen, who are also preparing for their First Eucharist. Through questions, observations and comments they help the children and their parents learn more about the Sunday Celebration.
This section contains all the prayers and responses of the Mass. It will help parents and children to participate more fully in the celebration of the Eucharist. This year the responses and prayers have changed to reflect the introduction of the New Roman Missal in September 2011.
The final section of THUMB contains nine activity sheets to be completed at home after each Sunday of the programme.
There are eight Grapevine Newsletters which are distributed to the children (and thier families) preparing for First Eucharist during the week after each Do This In Memory Mass in preparation for the next one.
Together with THUMB, the Grapevine helps parents to engage more fully with the programme at home. It includes the text for the Gospel of the next Sunday of the programme, suggestions for family prayer and the creation of a Family Prayer Space.