
We planted a variety of bulbs last October. We planted some daffodils, crocuses, tulips and hyacinths. We took great care of them all winter and now some of them have blossomed. The daffodils and the tulips have yet to flower. We will put up the photos of them when they are in bloom. The scent of the hyacinth is beautiful.

We put water, milk, vinegar, cooking oil & orange juice into the ice cube tray. We predicted what might happen to each of the liquids when left in the freezer overnight. Some of our predictions were correct but we were surprised by some of the results.

Everything froze but the cooking oil was not as hard as the other frozen liquids.
The milk changed to a yellow colour.
The cooking oil changed to a white colour.

Our second experiment involved mixing cooking oil & water. We put them in the freezer.

The water turned to ice but the cooking oil did not freeze as much as it did in the first experiment. It stayed on top of the ice.

Second Class have lots of fun with Science!

Last week, we had fun making our own playdough from scratch! We used the following ingredients:

  • Flour
  • Cornflour
  • Vegetable oil
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Food Colouring
See our pictures below of us sharing in the Science fun!